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ISBN : 978-93-6087-708-8
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Social
ID : SB20942

The Plays of Mahesh Dattani

A Study of Human Relationships

Dr. Ekta Sharma

e Book
Pages : 174
Language : English

About book : This book purports to examine in depth and detail the wide spectrum of human relationships depicted by Dattani, a theme that has not been examined consistently and comprehensively by the critics so far. In order to arrive at a balanced appreciation of his mind and art, an analysis of relationships within and outside the family, including those between husband and wife, between different generations, siblings, transgendered and the miscellaneous ones have been examined using mainly socio-psychological approach. Through a series of miscellaneous relationships like those between peers, friends, boss and subordinates, communities and even strangers, Dattani enlarges the range of his subject, revealing a vast variety of human ties which one forges and lives through in one’s life. His incisive and extensive treatment of the human relationships shows not only his insightful grasp of changing social realities but also of human nature, which deepens and enhances the appeal of his theatre, underlining the humanistic values of acceptance of diversity and difference, equality and freedom for a happy and meaningful social and individual life.

About author : Dr. Ekta Sharma has been teaching English in various colleges in Haryana since 2006. She holds M.A., M.Phil., and B.Ed. and has qualified UGC NET examination. She is a Ph.D. from M.D. University, Rohtak. She has attended many seminars /workshops/ conferences at national and inter- national levels. She has also presented a research paper at the world's prestigious Harvard University, Boston, USA. She has many publications to her credit. She is also a member of the Editorial Board of the English Language, Literature and culture journal (ISSN:2575-2367). She has also to her credit a book titled, “A Psychological Study of the Problem of Alienation in Saul Bellow's Henderson The Rain King, Herzog and Mr. Sammler’s Planet”. She has also been selected as a member of the team going to Cambridge University, London for experiential learning programme , an initiative by State government of Haryana. The pivotal significance of human relationships which one develops from birth to death in course of life is underlined by the fact that a person’s success or failure is measured by the kind of relationship he has with others around. If mutual trust, intimacy, self-disclosure, commitment and consistency appear to be integrally associated with satisfaction and stability in relationships, it is love and forgiveness that provide depth to human relations and make people think expansively about others. For creating harmony in relations, one has to consider that every individual has his or her own way of understanding and formulating relationships. That is why, it is necessary to accept and respect differences. Mahesh Dattani has dramatized the whole gamut of relationships and his plays offer an excellent study on human relationships where he penetratively, thoughtprovokingly and skillfully handles the intricacies and workings of human bonding in modern times. This book is an exploration about relationships − supportive and non-supportive, friendly and hostile and those betwee

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