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ISBN : 978-93-90290-24-6
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Computer
ID : SB20018

Big Data Tools – Which, When and How? (Volume– IV)

(Hands on Sessions with Basic MongoDB)

Dr. Poornima G. Naik Dr. Girish R. Naik

e Book
Pages : 325
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 220.00

About book : MongoDB is an open source cross platform document-oriented NoSQL (Not Only SQL) database management system that provides high performance and availability and easy scalability. It is particularly employed for high volume of data storage. Two key features of MongoDB which have made it popular are auto sharding for horizontal scalability and in-built replication mechanism for high availability both of which are inevitable for big data analytics MongoDB came into existence to address the large data size and unstructuredness of data which could not be handled by the traditional database management systems. Volume IV of 'Big Data Tools - Which, When and How (Hands on Sessions with MongoDB Basics)’ is intended for learners who have just migrated from SQL systems to NoSQL systems and keen in exploring the differences between the two. The book covers the basics of MongoDB such as MongoDB architecture, installation of MongoDB, modeling relationship between the documents, and managing collections. The key features of the books are in-depth coverage of structural differences between RDBMS systems, installation of MongoDB on Windows and Ubuntu operating systems, exposure to MongoDB complex structures, cursors in MongodB. MongoDB has a rich set of database management tools. Few prominent tools are focused with in-depth discussion on two MongoDB GUI tools having wide acceptance in industry viz. MongoDB Compass and RockMongo. Difficult to comprehend topics such as GridFS for storing multimedia content in MongoDB database, custom auto-increment field, data validation and bulk API are illustrated with suitable examples. The salient feature of the book is mapping of SQL Statements to MongoDB statements which enables the reader coming from SQL background to comprehend the alterations to be made for querying JSON-based systems.

About author : Dr Poornima G. Naik bears twenty-two years of teaching and research experience in the field of Computer Science. She has been associated with teaching in thrust areas of computer science such as Big Data Analytics, Mobile Computing, Information System Security and Cryptography and her current research areas are Cyber Security, Machine Learning, Soft Computing and Big Data Analytics. She has guided three M Phil. Students. She has published more than 50 research papers in different national and international journals and presented more than 30 papers in different international and national conferences. She has authored 18 books on various cutting edge technologies in information technology. She is the recipient of prestigious Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement National Award for remarkable achievements in the field of Teaching, Research & Publications awarded by International Institute for Social and Economic Reforms, Bangalore. She has immense experience in guiding academic projects with computer aided tools. She has guided many industrial projects in project management, core banking solutions and e-Learning solutions.

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