A Modern Technology
About book : This is one of the best books for computer networks. It provides real-life examples and proper instruction along with various practice questions related to computer networking subject. This book helps the readers further computing exams with its amazing study tool as well as its valuable job reference. This book will guide you through the different networking models by relating them in the form of real-life scenarios, and other beneficial tips that will surely be helpful for you to build a career in the field of computer networking.
About author : 1.Mr.Anurag Upadhyay ,an Assistant Professor at DGI Greater Noida in CSE Department ,bring 15+ years of teaching experience from various Institutes . He hold B.TECH ,M.TECH & PHD* in CSE . He is the writer of various Books ,Research papers and Patents in the area of Computer Science .In this book he express his know ledge about Computer Network . 2.Mr.Mukul Kumar Singh working as Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering Department at MJPR University Bareilly(U.P).He hold B.TECH ,M.TECH and Pursuing PHD from MJPRU Bareilly . He is the writer of various Books , Research papers .He is actively engaged in Academic & Research . 3.Ms. Priyanka Asthana Working as Assistant Professor at DGI Greater Noida in CSE Department. She hold over 7 years of teaching and Industry Experience. her area of research is Computer Network ,Python programming and Machine Learning . In this book Ms. Priyanka Asthana express her best knowledge about Computer Network .