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ISBN : 978-81-19517-13-8
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Self-Help
ID : SB20656


No more Guess work!! Using NLP Techniques to be an effective parent to teenagers

Chetan Bulsari

e Book
Pages : 62
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 299.00

About author : Chetan Bulsari, has over two decades of industry experience in financial services and has worked across Singapore, Mumbai and Chennai. He is a Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary by education, married and father to two teenage boys. Along with impressive academic records, he has an illustrated career having an accelerated growth through corporate ranks and has held several senior roles and presented guest lectures at several reputed institutes in the country. He loves to travel and experience new places. His passion for self-development and helping others led him to learn Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and is now an advanced NLP practitioner and Emotional Intelligence coach. He is co-founder of the brand Human CompassR that specializes in creating meaningful content in the space of self-development and application of NLP techniques.

About book : Parenting is a complex and multifaceted task that requires a deep understanding of child development, psychology, and human behavior. It involves not only providing for a child's basic needs, but also fostering their emotional, social, and intellectual growth. Parenting challenges evolve as their child goes through the phases from being a new born to toddler to going to school and then the most interesting and challenging time - the teenage phase. Parenting teenagers is not for the faint of heart. It requires patience, understanding, and an unwavering commitment to guiding and supporting your child through this tumultuous time. Teenagers are navigating their way through a complex world, facing new challenges and pressures that can be overwhelming at times. In this book the author takes the reader on a quick crash course on various challenges and areas of friction between parents and their teenage children. Author also makes references to various NLP techniques that parents can apply to help navigate the complex journey of parenting through the teenage years of their children.

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