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ISBN : 978-81-19084-43-2
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Self-Help
ID : SB20472

Quantum Healing Model

An Ultimate Guide to Eliminate Stress, Anxiety to Create Joy and Inner Peace in Life

Sonali Srivastava ( Soul Healer Sonali )

e Book
Pages : 163
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 777.00

About book : This book comprises of 3 major subsections which encapsulates the different Secrets and Intelligence of the Quantum Cosmos. The sections are 1) The Psychology Of Energy 2) The Psychology of Mind 3) The Psychology of Emotional Intelligence. Each of these subsections are packed with my deep insightful knowledge and wisdom which would bestow you with the Heightened Responsibility towards yourself for making your life more meaningful and joyous. This book will give you Newer Perspectives towards your Life and make your Experience of Life more Profound and Impactful. You would gradually learn along your journey through this book that it is your Life and you have the massive Potential to Co-Create your Life with the Universe. You will gain intense wisdom & secrets regarding * Removing your Money Blockages * Raising your Vibrational Energy * Attaining Mental Clarity * Finding Direction in Life * Achieving Emotional Balance * Allying with your Memory & Imagination * Acquiring Abundance in Life * Improving your Relationships * Rapid Health Improvement * Awakening Inner Peace & Calmness Enjoy the Reading Experience of this book To Live Your Life With An Inner Well Being.

About author : Soul Healer Sonali is a Performer who is simply playing her mere role as different characters in this Universal Play of The Divine. She is Courageous enough to act upon her Inner Soul Callings and Deep Wisdom in Life. She is an Author, Mentor, Life Coach, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Brain Expert. She is also a Psychic Channel, Energy Healer (Tarot & Oracle Reader), Crystal Healer and Spiritual Guide. She is also a Philanthropist and Software Engineer. Sonali Srivastava (Soul Healer Sonali) is the Creator of the Program - " Heal Your Mind To Heal Your Life With Soul Healer Sonali " where she helps people to Address their Emotions, Overcome their Anger, Stress, Anxiety, Overthinking patterns and Depression, Break Patterns of Self Sabotage and Past Trauma Sufferings, Improve their Confidence, Concentration and Performance in Life so that they can Awaken their Inner Strengths and Live Life with An Inner Peace, Joy, Mental Clarity and Emotional Stability. Register Yourself At -> Contact Email Id :

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