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ISBN : 978-93-90761-64-7
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Computer
ID : SB20119

Insight into Information Security and Cryptography Essentials

(Covers Security Threats and Measures, Classical Cryptography and Hashing)

Dr. Poornima G. Naik Dr. Girish R. Naik

e Book
Pages : 320
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 800.00

About book : The book is intended for serious learners of Cyber Security and Cryptography which provides more insight into working of different cryptographic algorithms. Chapter 1 deals with different security threats and measures, specific attacks on crypto systems, different types of cryptography are discussed at length and demonstrated with the help of different case studies which are implemented in java using Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA). The salient of features of this chapter are demonstration of working of digital signature, digital certificate and discussion on various digital certificate file formats. Chapter 2 focuses on classical cryptography algorithms based primarily on transposition and substitution. Both keyed and keyless algorithms such as Rail Fence Cipher, Vigenere monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic ciphers, Playfair Cipher to name a few, are discussed in detail. Few algorithms from modern cryptography, Hill Cipher, RSA, ElGamal, Merkle–Hellman Knapsack are explored as well. All the algorithms are modelled in Excel and implemented in java. The chapter concludes with the exploration of modern cryptography algorithms using Cryp Tool. The final chapter Chapter 3 explores hashing which is central to working of MAC and digital signature. Properties of hash functions and popular hash functions are dealt with. Various applications of hash functions are mentioned. The chapter concludes with some selected case studies on hashing.

About author : Dr Poornima G. Naik bears twenty-two years of teaching and research experience in the field of Computer Science. She has been associated with teaching in thrust areas of computer science such as Big Data Analytics, Mobile Computing, Information System Security and Cryptography and her current research areas are Cyber Security, Machine Learning, Soft Computing and Big Data Analytics. She has guided three M Phil. Students. She has published more than 50 research papers in different national and international journals and presented more than 30 papers in different international and national conferences. She has authored 18 books on various cutting edge technologies in information technology. She is the recipient of prestigious Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement National Award for remarkable achievements in the field of Teaching, Research & Publications awarded by International Institute for Social and Economic Reforms, Bangalore. She has immense experience in guiding academic projects with computer aided tools. She has guided many industrial projects in project management, core banking solutions and e-Learning solutions. She has conducted and organized seminars and workshops on various cutting-edge technologies in computer science at university level. She is a prolific technical writer with excellent communication, analytical and technical skills. She has worked in different committees of Shivaji University.

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