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ISBN : 978-93-90290-27-7
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Social
ID : SB19968



Dr. Santosh Kumar

e Book
Pages : 425
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 799.00

About book : Whole work of groundwater management in this book has done on the basis of primary and secondary data which has collected personally from the field and different departments of water resources. Entire work of groundwater management depends upon cartographical, statistical and descriptive methods in the book. The present work has been divided into six chapters along with ‘Introduction’ which covers the objectives, statement of problems, data sources and methodology etc. The first chapter deals with hydro-geologic and physical characteristics of the study area. The second chapter under the head ‘Cultural Setting’ describes the population characteristics, land use and cropping pattern. Under the head ‘Source, Distribution and Assessment of Groundwater’, analysis of aquifer’s characteristics, water table fluctuation, hydrographs and assessment of groundwater potential have been discussed in the chapter third. Forth chapter explains the chemical characteristics of groundwater in reference to its agricultural suitability. Utilization of groundwater potential in different sectors has been described in chapter fifth. Management of groundwater resources has been discussed in chapter six in light of natural and man induced anthropogenic problems associated with groundwater, future requirement assessed for the year 2022 AD, rational use and recharge, minimizing the water losses through different irrigational methods. The dissertation ended with ‘Summary and Conclusions’. Writer hope that the book will be helpful in the study and research work of rational use and the groundwater management in different alluvial and extra-alluvial areas.

About author : AUTHOR Dr. Santosh Kumar has born in Madura Simanpur village of Bhagalpur district of Bihar state. He has done project report on ‘Socio-Economic Development of Sarkanda’ during Post Graduation study from Banaras Hindu University and have done research work on the topic of ‘Ground Water Resource Management in Mau District: A Geographical Study’ from Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in 2014. After research His teaching work has started from Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak M.P. in 2015. After one year teaching he joined to Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, where he tought three years. At recent he is teaching as a Assistant Professor in L.B.S.M. College, Jamshedpur of Kolhan University. Apart from Physical Geography he has been worked on ‘Landslide Disaster and Management’ and ‘Groundwater Management’. A more than half dosen research paper has been publishd in national and Internationl research magazines. His newly published academic book is'Geo-Tectonics and Geomorphology'.

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