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ISBN : 978-81-19517-76-3
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Self Help
ID : SB20740

Comprehensive Parenting Guide

To Overcome Challenges of Child Holistic Development

Umesh Kumar Shukla

e Book
Pages : 104
Language : English

33 Copies Sold Til Date

PAPERBACK Price : 200.00

About book : This book aims to empower parents with the knowledge, tools, and strategies they need to overcome the challenges of raising well-rounded children. It recognizes that every child is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Instead, it offers a comprehensive guide that allows parents to tailor their approach to their child's individual needs and circumstances.

About author : Umesh Kumar Shukla is a leading Educationist, having more than 33 years of profound experience of mentoring thousands of teachers, parents and students individually as well as in groups, for their holistic development. He is a great orator transforming the life style of his audience for their betterment.

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