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ISBN : 978-93-90290-11-6
Category : Fiction
Catalogue : Story
ID : SB19954

use kuch bataya to nhi


Sita Rani Sande

e Book
Pages : 0
Language : Hindi
PAPERBACK Price : 250.00

About author : My name is Mrs. Sitarani Sande. And I am a government employee ie a teacher; And I feel proud to be a teacher that I have got the opportunity to provide education to the little ones. I have been interested in writing since my childhood. But I could not find any guidance to implement the writing. While imparting education to small children and being constantly engaged in academic work, I got inspired to implement writing in my mind.

About book : The idea of ​​writing this story came to me from my own environment. This story is based on the environment. In the current environment, all the educated classes are aware about environmental pollution. But this awareness has only become their information. Due to continuous tree felling, the forests have reduced by half. Due to continuous increase in population, now the crop growing fields, big houses, and buildings have turned into colonies. Due to lack of proper rainfall, the ground water level is continuously falling down. The lifestyles of many wildlife have been affected by the items we use. Many species are now almost on the verge of extinction. Apart from this, plastic bags, polythene etc. used by humans are destroying the fertility power of the earth. Due to which the crop production has come down from the average production to a low level. Apart from this, water of ponds, oceans and seas has been contaminated. Also, living in the sea and big oceans can prove to be dangerous in the future. Plastic or plastic items made by humans for their pleasure resources have a profound impact on us and our environment and natural organisms.

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