(Pig, Zookeeper and HBase)
About book : Big data analytics emerged as a revolution in the field of information technology. It is the ability of the organization to stay agile which gives it a competitive edge over its competitors. Data harvesting and data analytics enable the organization identify new opportunities which in turn results in efficient operations, leads to smarter business moves and higher business turnovers. All these issues are addressed by big data analytics and its initiatives. Chapter 4 focuses on architecture of Pig, Apache Pig execution modes, Pig data types and operators. Apache Pig Latin data model is based on nested relations. The chapter provides description of different components of Pig Latin data model. The lab session includes installing Pig over Hadoop and exploring different Pig Latin operators.Chapter 5 deals with common services provides by zookeeper, architecture and components of zookeeper and zookeeper operation modes. The salient feature of the chapter is exploration of leader election algorithm and security of ZNodes through access control list. The chapter concludes with the hands-on lab sessions on installation of zookeeper and exposure to zookeeper command-line interface. Chapter 6 discusses different types of NoSQL databases, transformation rules from one data model to another and performs in-depth analysis of HBase data model. The features which are difficult to comprehend such as data compaction, data locality, HBase read and write operations are simplified with easy to understand figures and explanation. As a part of hands-on lab sessions, installation of HBase over Hadoop and exercises based on HBase general commands, DDL commands and DML commands are dealt with.
About author : Dr Poornima G. Naik bears twenty-two years of teaching and research experience in the field of Computer Science. She has been associated with teaching in thrust areas of computer science such as Big Data Analytics, Mobile Computing, Information System Security and Cryptography and her current research areas are Cyber Security, Machine Learning, Soft Computing and Big Data Analytics. She has guided three M Phil. Students. She has published more than 50 research papers in different national and international journals and presented more than 30 papers in different international and national conferences. She has authored 18 books on various cutting edge technologies in information technology. She is the recipient of prestigious Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement National Award for remarkable achievements in the field of Teaching, Research & Publications awarded by International Institute for Social and Economic Reforms, Bangalore. She has immense experience in guiding academic projects with computer aided tools. She has guided many industrial projects in project management, core banking solutions and e-Learning solutions.