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ISBN : 978-93-95125-39-0
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Self-Help
ID : SB20318


Decode the Limitless Mind To Level Up Your Life from ordinary to extraordinary


e Book
Pages : 154
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 279.00

About author : I am Minnie Arora. After transforming my identity from ordinary to extraordinary and impacting and adding value to the lives of a number of individuals, transforming them into their most authentic selves, helping them shed their limiting beliefs and blocking patterns, giving them breakthroughs to live a life of freedom and fulfilment, witnessing their success stories, I took opportunity to encapsulate extensive tools and techniques, that can bring a huge shift in your life, into this book. Well, I am a spiritual enthusiast and a philanthropist, holistic wellness and mindset expert, Ho'oponopono practitioner, transforming lives using extensive tools of NLP, I’m here to raise your frequencies to accelerate your belief in yourself, to show you the mirror: Who you are? Your faith in Divine. A firm believer in human’s birth right and potential to live a life of joy and freedom. Acknowledged and endorsed by as many individuals, described as a divinely pure, knowledgeable and inspirational being, I have made so many people work within (based on the idea: your inner world creates your outer reality”). I have made them believe in their true self, making them work compassionately in a right way in the right direction, initiating actions from energy zone rather than directionless conscious mind, helping them to adopt an intensive communication with the Universe, unleash their hidden powers, adapting to new strategies, developing limitless mindset that yield them extraordinary results.

About book : Do you want to become limitless ? Do you want to become extraordinary you, who can look into the eyes of fear and can knock it down? I am sure your answer is ‘YES’. I always used to wonder why we struggle to live a life with a feeling of being unstoppable, unbeatable. Human beings are born limitless and have unlimited potential. Why then we struggle and surrender our life to destiny? Why don't we experience that limitless nature in life? I pondered upon this question for years, I researched a lot and attended many workshops from experts on human psychology and miracle mindset, and finally found the answers to these questions and this book is a tool that will help you realize your limitless nature. This book is a compilation of those tools and practices, that I learnt from extraordinary coaches around the globe, that helped me become the best and healthiest version of myself, thus creating a roadmap, unleashing the inner power within, living a life full of love, joy and fulfillment. From being immobilized by scarcity to went on becoming wilder, bolder and enthusiast. This book demonstrates how developing “No limits Mind” unveils your hidden powers, revealing who you are and who you can become, sets you on fire. A firm believer in God, how following a system for ultimate self-mastery, helped me prosper in different areas of life - physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, social. From unfulfilling friendships and inharmonious relationships to being surrounded by the strongest, most supportive, and loving individuals. This book will make you master in beating your negative mindset, helping you retune into a wonderworld that lies within you, and puts you on a fast track to master all areas of your life ultimately making you win your life in a miraculous way. The true power lies— in learning, believing, implementing and integrating the practices mentioned in this book into the struggling areas of your life. Just open and expand yourselves and delve in. N

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