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ISBN : 978-81-19084-69-2
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Self-Help
ID : SB20489

Advance Happiness Blueprint

What you were taught about “happiness” is not true

Anubhav Kumar Raut

e Book
Pages : 87
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 299.00

About author : Anubhav kumar is a banker by profession, Mental wellness coach and NLP Practitioner. During the journey of learning Neuro Linguistic programming (NLP) by his mentor he realised that whatever he learned about Happiness from childhood to till now is not true. He is not against the sensory pleasure. But Authentic happiness or sustained happiness is different. He realised authentic happiness is missing in everyone life. He aligned his life from authentic happiness and felling fulfilment of life. Now his purpose of life is to give contribution in society towards mental wellness of people. He is on mission to transform millions of people and collect millions of blessing. You can connect with him at Instagram id akr.lifecoach or or email id .

About book : Happiness is internal .Happiness is like a butterfly. If you run after it, it keeps flying away .If you stand still it comes and sits on your shoulder. Happiness is flitting nature .Nowadays we all are changing the meaning of happiness .Happiness is now measured in terms of sensory stimulation. This book give insight of Happiness keep on eudemonic paradigm and enjoy hedonic paradigm with detachment. Life should be balance in proportion of eudemonic paradigm and hedonic paradigm.We will learn how to live with sustained happiness by applying seven pillar of eudemonic paradigm in life.

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