About author : Dr. Ashish Gupta is Professor & Head of the Department of English in Govt. Girls College, Betul (M.P.), India. His teaching experience is 30 years. Under his supervision, number of scholars are awarded Ph.D. & M. Phil. He is a member of Board of Studies in English at various universities. Till now, nearly 125 research papers of him are published in reputed journals & anthologies. He has addressed as a Key Note Speaker in many National/International Webinars. He is the Associate Editor/ member of the Editorial/Advisory/Review board of various prestigious International Refereed Peer Reviewed Journals on literary explorations. He has completed one Minor Research Project under financial assistance of UGC. In his credit, twelve patents are also published. Till now nearly two dozen edited and seven authored books, five e books from renowned publications, are in his credit. One of his e books is published in six foreign languages. His many e contents are available on LMS portal of higher education M.P. He has authored the text books of English Literature of B.A., published by M.P. Hindi Granth Academy. His many authored and edited books/e books have been included in many national/international universities like The National Library Singapore, The British Library London U.K., Library of Zuric, Switzerland etc. He is a visiting research fellow of university of Malaysia.
About book : Chinua Achebe was a master that mastered a variety of distinct approaches that authors may use to create tales. There are many different ways that writers can tell stories. When it comes to creating stories, authors have the capacity to use a variety of techniques. One of the narrative techniques that Achebe utilised was referred to as "flashback," and it was included into his work. However, Achebe utilised a variety of approaches, and one of those methods was flashback. Whenever we get to this point in the story, the story will take us on a trip through time to show us something that took place in the past. This book delves into the rich tapestry ofchebe’s writing style, examining the intricate threads that weave together his exploration of Igbo culture, the clash between tradition and colonialism, the multi-dimensional characters he breathes life into, the narrative structures that captivate readers, the language and diction that form a linguistic bridge between worlds, the social commentary that critiques historical injustices, and the symbolism and imagery that elevate his works to realms of profound meaning. The work of Achebe is not only a reflection of a particular cultural environment; rather, it is a mirror that is held up to the intricacies of the human experience. As we begin our investigation, we will travel across the landscapes of Nigeria’s pre-colonial and colonial history. We will also navigate the twisting routes of Achebe’s narratives, which merge the past and the present in a seamless manner. The individuals that we come across are not only figments of our imagination; rather, they are manifestations of the internal tensions, moral conundrums, and the indomitable spirit that characterises mankind in the face of hardship. The unfolding of this investigation takes place against the backdrop of Achebe’s linguistic artistry, which is a dance that captures the spirit of cultural hybridity through the merging of English and Igbo expressions.