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ISBN : 978-93-6087-367-7
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Social
ID : SB20896


Carving the Life with Health

Dipali Shripat Rathod And Anjali Shripat Rathod

e Book
Pages : 91
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 499.00

About book : Considering the insufficiency of awareness regarding one's health. Rathod Family has adopted the concept of Terrace Gardening. The generalized concept of Terrace Gardening contains prepossessing plants, however not only have we planted such plants but also vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants and crops. The practice comes not only with direct education but also pure edibles. The garden created on the terrace of a four - story building has reached many heights. The aim of this pursuit is the awareness of organic agriculture. The book focuses on the implementation of organic farming and the stumbling blocks of chemicals in food. The book also indicates the implementation of such ideals.

About author : Dipali and Anjali Shripat Rathod of classes 9th and 8th respectively visualizing the ideal of a Healthy Nation through the concept of Organic farming penned their knowledge and experience in the book titled 'Vasant Bahar : Carving the Life with Health'. Through their young years their parents Mrs. Jayshri Rathod and Mr. Shripat Rathod have taught them the morals of a pure life. Keeping these ethics in mind, the family with their practical comprehension have guided and inspired many.

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