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ISBN : 978-93-93557-12-4
Category : Fiction
Catalogue : Novel
ID : SB20191

The Winning Warriors

and the Gem of Luck

Priyal Patel

e Book
Pages : 142
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 280.00

About book : The fiction story - "The Winning Warriors and the Gem of Luck", revolves around a trio of friends, who decide to go camping in the nearby hills; but there, realize that magic is real and the world is in danger and that they are the only ones who can save it. So, they set out on the dangerous quest to save the world. But will they succeed? Read to find out...

About author : Priyal Patel is a young author, who has written her first published literary work- a 30,000 word story - "The Winning Wariors and the Gem of Luck" at the age of 13 in the fiction, adventure genre. She wishes to write more in the series.

Customer Reviews

Nishith : Very nice book, enjoined reading. 10 January 2022


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