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ISBN : 978-93-6087-643-2
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Social
ID : SB20968

The secret of Joyful PARENTING

Challenges of digital world

Dr. Roopa Pareek

e Book
Pages : 86
Language : Hindi
PAPERBACK Price : 199.00

About book : This book presents a shot of action plan for Joyful PARENTING. Parents those who worried to develop their children a famous, Genius, humble, free from all type of addiction, loved by everyone, prosperous etc. should read this book. The parents those are ambitious to see their children diligent and generous person can learn parenting tips from this book. It includes the present challenges of parenting like infiltration of digitalization in every walk of life, single parenting, working parents, evolution of global culture etc. This book gives an idea about parenting with reference to bhartiya sanskriti and other cultures. In short we can say it's a JOYFUL PARENTING : READY RECKNOR.

About author : Dr. Roopa Pareek is having more than 36 years of experience in school education at different posts. She has worked in the field of educational research, teachers training, students performance. She is certified NLP PRACTITIONER. Participated in several National level & state level programs for children. She is working as Motivational speaker and introduce herself as ANANDUMANG. Her two books published one of the short stories " Pankh jinse koi uda tha "( पंख जिनसे कोई उङा था) and other is " Khil uthi hai Prarthana "( खिल उठी है प्रार्थना) poetry. She wants to fill the life of everyone with joy by inner wellness .

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