Short Question and Answer (As per Pharmacy Council of India Syllabus)
About book : About the Book: This book helps undergraduate students of Pharmacy in their II Semester to look out the contents of the syllabus in simple and short glance for their examination in an easy way. It covers the Part I Human anatomy and Physiology II, Part II Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I, Part III Biochemistry and Part IV Pathophysiology of all second semester university subjects. Each part of the subjects is divided into Unit wise question and answer guides the student to study the each portions individually for their preparation of internal examinations. All questions are selected from the Question bank of various universities. Simplified, Easy and approachable words are selected for the explaining each of the points and words of the answer of the all questions. This book may use for the competitive exams like MRB, GPAT and other examinations related to the field of Pharmacy. Authors are very happy to publish this book for the goodness of slow learners for their improvement, by scoring marks in the short question and answer in their successful curricular life.
About author : Authors are well experienced in the field of Pharmaceutical sciences in various streams like the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, and Pharmacology. They have already published a few Textbooks and gathered knowledge in Academic Publishing. The authors are very much interested in publishing this book for poor or slow learners those who face difficulty in attending short answers to the questions in their University examinations.