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ISBN : 978-93-90761-79-1
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Computer
ID : SB20033

Reading Yeats as A Romantic Antiquarian

A Study in Yeats' poems


e Book
Pages : 78
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 200.00

About book : This Irish Poet has always been an attraction to the poem-lovers. Vibrant Classical myths, bygone Celtic lores and traditional Christian myths are beautifully braided in his poems garnished with Symbolism and with the proportionate topping of Art. This Noble laureate poet is still breathing through his poems even after a century passed. He is an exceptional poet who stood as a bridge between the Romantic Age and the Modern Age.

About author : Teaching in Amity University, Debalina Roychowdhury Banerjee is a research scholar at Ranchi University. She is associated with Sarojini Naidu college as a SACT and Visiting Professor at IGNOU. She has done her M.Phil and Post graduation in English Literature and Diploma in Symbology. Reciever of Working Women Acheivers' Award (2019) from Ooruni Foundation she is a keen Researcher of Mythology and Symbolism. She has authored two books on poems and the third, Into the Myths, is her book on Mythologies and Epics that discuss about ancient myths and symbols under the light of logic and rationalism.

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