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ISBN : 978-93-93557-58-2
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Novel
ID : SB20214

Paradise behind the Magical Door

Paradise means how to live great life and magical door means novel which changes life of people like a magic


e Book
Pages : 66
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 150.00

About book : About Book Description “Paradise behind the magical Door” Paradise means how to live great life and magical door means novel which changes life of people like a magic This Novel is about Student-Teacher Learning. Everyday A Teacher is surrounded by young, bright, creative and inventive Students, and during classroom interaction teachers obtain a new perspective of life Every day with Students inquisitive minds that makes a teacher realize that driving independent thought is important even a teacher learn so much from students I am so grateful for students for their questions that strikes in my mind and I started to write this novel paradise behind the magical door

About author : About Author Msc (N) Psychiatry, M. A yoga , NDDY( Naturopathy), Pursuing Ph.D, Govt Certified yoga Instructor, Teacher in Art of Living Foundation, Meditation and Motivational Speaker, Psychic healer and owner of Divyam Naturopathy Clinic Currently working as Assistant Professor In M.M. University Mullana Ambala, Haryana I am on a mission to create successful students. i want to guide them on how to handle unresourceful states, calibrate mindset to live a joyful and meaningful life.

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