About book : This book have written about the maternal and child health care of Rajasthan. It shows the condition of maternal and child health in the particular areas of Rajasthan. Some area where maternal and child health are batter and some area which show the pity condition of the both, mainly maternal and child health depend on various type of parameters whose effect on the both health conditions. Many type of the diagrams and maps are used in this book, show the spatial and geographical distribution of maternal and child health care. This book is helpful for the researcher who want to research in the line of health status, basically it provide the guideline regards the research.
About author : Nachita kumari is the author of "Maternal and Child Health Care in Rajasthan: A Geographical Study" book. She's qualified net exam and perusing PhD in the subject of geography. she's doing their work with lots of enjoyment because loves their geography subject not take it as a burden.