Multidisciplinary Approaches
About book : Building a sustainable future has increasingly captured the human imagination in the twenty-first century societies around the world. There has been a lot of resource investments and initiatives for pressing issues like protection of the environment, conservation of natural habitats and climate change topics but little research has been devoted to the systematic creation, restoration and dissemination of knowledge system for a sustainable future society. A sincere, dedicated and passionate effort to the organised documentation of sustainability, knowledge and environment, which would support and enhance the knowledge management and sustainable goals, is the need of the hour. In the twenty-first century, human society aspires to create, structure and disseminate knowledge system for a sustainable and equitable society where development of the society and ethical parameters are given utmost significance. For securing a sustainable future, knowledge of various spheres such as sociology, politics, environment, economy, ecology, tradition needs to be documented, restored and disseminated. Therefore, creating a knowledge base by structuring and organizing cultural, economic, political and technological capital needs to be prioritized. This book attempts to create and contribute to the knowledge system which would ensure we are building a sustainable future.
About author : Dr. Aditya Ghosh is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts, ICFAI University, Tripura. His areas of interest are Populism, Indian writing in English, British Literature, Literary Theory, English language Teaching, Dalit Literature and Gender Studies. He has published research papers in various National and International reputed journals. His latest paper titled “Disciplinary power and practices of Body Politics: an evaluation of Dalit women in Bama’s Sangati and P. Sivakami’s The Grip of change through Foucauldian discourse analysis” has been published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Springer Nature Journal). He has delivered talk as a Resource person in many academic forums and conducted International Conference and FDP to contribute to the field of academia. He was part of the Indian team of the MHRD, Govt of India Funded International collaborative Project in Digital humanities in Indian Rim under SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) to collaborate with Western Sydney University, Australia for 2019-21. Email id: