About book : Preface With an ambition to bring together absolute Horticulture in a compressed and alluring form in single book titled "Handbook of Horticulture Gist" ,we bring this book before you. Special efforts have been made on competitive exam- oriented content with special focus on Previous year questions (PYQ) on every topic/chapter of this book for various competitive exams like ICAR Jrf/srf (Horticulture), ASRB NET, Ph.d. (Horticulture), SAU exams, state level horticulture officers and supervisors, NABARD, RRB SO, IBPS AFO, Markfed, IFFCO, FCI-AGM, DDO and other exams related to horticulture.This is indeed a prerequisite for every student in the field of competitive exams. The content in this book provides a complete "Gist" of Horticulture from basics to advance level to the reader. We hope that, an aspirant would keep this handbook as his priority. We feel accomplished, if the motive of the aspirant to crack the examinations would be fulfilled by this book. Suggestions from the readers are always welcomed and appreciated for the further editions of the book. Authors & Co Authors Ajay Singh Jakhar Jagdeep Singh Brar Sagrika Sharma
About author : Ajay Singh Jakhar, did his Masters in Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), was always a passionate teacher and a good learner. The need of quality education in agricultural sciences and the lack of good mentors for students to crack competitive exams opened up the idea of AGRIMENTORS. Being the founder and MD of AGRIMENTORS Ajay Singh Jakhar has mentored more than 2400 successful candidates in different agricultural exams all over india in the past 4 years and the journey still continues. Jagdeep Singh Brar did his masters in Horticulture, specialization in Vegetable science with distinction, in 2018 & Being Co-Founder of AGRIMENTORS he is playing important role to change the future of Agriculture Education system by his Knowledge. Sagrika sharma completed masters in Horticulture, specialization in fruit science with distinction, in 2020 from khalsa college, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. For the fulfillment of masters, she'd done research on "Germination of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) seeds as influenced by various plant growth regulators. so far, she'd 2 research publication; one as research paper in journal "Green farming: International journal of applied agriculture and horticulture sciences" and other as Book chapter in "Recent trends in Horticulture".