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ISBN : 978-93-93557-00-1
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Mathematics and Science
ID : SB20180

Climate Change, Crops and Livestock Production


pramod shankarrao kamble

e Book
Pages : 353
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 650.00

About book : The present book has been prepared as per the competitive examination point of view . This book useful for SAU/ PG, Ph. D, ICAR- JRF, SRF and other competitive examination. Quite a few text books have been published in relation to the Climate Change, Crops and Livestock Production. Therefore, the present book entitled on Climate Change, Crops and Livestock Production Multiple choice questions brought out with climatic information in relation to the agricultural science. This book covers the climate change meaning, causes of climatic variation, climate change sources like natural sources includes drought, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, water sprout, floods, hail storm, thunderstorm, fog, frost, heat wave, cold wave, landslides, volcanic eruption, wild fire, El Nino and Manmade climate change sources like greenhouse gases emission causes global warming such as carbon dioxide, Methane, chlorofluorocarbon, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane , nitrogen oxides and Fluorocarbons component of smog are briefly discussed. Effect of climate change on crop growth and livestock production and their mitigation strategies for climatic change situation discussed in relation to crop management practices and livestock management point of view. This book helpful to the students of the under graduate and post graduate. It also provide the comprehensive guide to the research worker in relation to the agricultural science.

About author : KAMBLE P.S. He completed Secondary School Certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate from the Pune board. He awarded the (Agri.) and M. sc.( Agri.) degree from Marathwada Agricultural university, Parbhani. Also he completed the Ph.D. (Agri.) degree from Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri. He published 10 research papers and 5 popular articles.

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