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ISBN : 978-93-95125-24-6
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Mathematics and Science
ID : SB20295

Applications of Statistical Quality Control Charts in Public Health and Epidemiology



e Book
Pages : 110
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 250.00

About author : Dr.R.Sasikumar is presently working as an Assistant Professor(Stage III) in the Department of Statistics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu, India. He has been 16years of Teaching and 19 years of Research experiences. His Research Areas of interest are Stochastic Process and its Applications and Statistical Quality Control. He has published more than 55 research papers in the Reputed International and National level Journals and Proceedings.

About book : This book deals with Applications of Statistical Quality Control Charts in the various field like Public Health and Epidemiology. Many control charts methods have been employed to the different Health situations. Shewhart control charts such as X bar and S chart, u chart were employed to monitor the sugar and pressure level of pregnancy women, spreading level of TB in the particular area. The comparison had made between Sets method and Poisson CUSUM method with the support of cleft lip and palate malformation data. The performance of the three control chart methods for monitoring the incidence rate of a rare event where the increased rate of the event is very small is also discussed. The risk adjusted control chart performance was presented to understand the importance of risk adjustment in the field of health science.

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