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ISBN : 978-93-95362-18-4
Category : Fiction
Catalogue : Story
ID : SB20334

अक्षांश और देशांतर



e Book
Pages : 173
Language : Hindi
PAPERBACK Price : 299.00

About book : This is a book of a collection of nine short stories in Hindi. The longest short story relates to my experiences that I have had by visiting nine European countries, mostly towards Scandinavian countries.. What struck me most was their humane approach towards life and matter, and their love for environment. Their approach to life was one of adventure and skill development. Back in India the human approach to different problems and nuances of life have different trajectories. i have tried to capture the features of some of the characters whom i had considerable time to observe. In all these stories the role of the author has been like an observer without getting entrapped into any of them. The underlying theme of these stories is depiction of vagaries of human fate and scampering between the domain of despair and love.

About author : Nirmal Kumar Mishra hails from the village Pandit tola Tabhaka, District Samastipur, Bihar. He earned his master’s degree in 1963 from the Department of Zoology, Patna University. He began teaching in the same Department . He Secured Fulbright-US Govt. scholarship in 1968, he left for USA and went through an orientation course at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis before he left for the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill from where he earned his PhD degree in Molecular Biology in 1973. As a graduate student he rook course in macromolecules at the Duke University, Durham. He also taught for six semesters a lab course at the university of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His doctoral worked served as a stepping stone towards the understanding of split gene concept. He returned to PU and continued teaching till 1998. During this period, he guided research scholars towards their PhD degrees in broad disciplines of neurobiology, reproductive biology, and carcinogenesis. He wrote several research papers, text- and competition books in zoology. He also made forays in writing stories, poems and novels. After his retirement he published, some review articles in zoology, a novel, Lingering Shadow, and a short stories collection, "Dusra Masiha". his recent publication is: Elusive clouds" a collection of short stories in English.

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