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ISBN : 978-93-90761-63-0
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Medical And Nursing
ID : SB20121


The way you LUNGS work ( modo operatur in sinum tuum )

Sainath Tangallapally

e Book
Pages : 75
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 250.00

About book : This book helps everyone to know about lungs and respiratory system, not only for medical professions, but it also helps every person who knows basic English. we aim to educate everyone with basic medical knowledge. by reading this book, you can understand how your lungs and the respiratory system work, from basic to intermediate levels.

About author : Sainath Tangallapelly was born on 19 august 2000 at Warangal Telangana India, I was very confused unable to maintain a bond between me and my classmates, in September 2017 I started my medical college ( international higher school of medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). from that year I got many chances in college events and organize events, slowly I have started in working for our college student organization, it helped me many ways. it helped mainly how to contact people and maintain a perfect bond with college staff and many people out there. In that way, I have got so many new friends from different professions, I have inspired by so many people to books and articles, and finally, I have started my first book ( YOUR LUNGS )

Customer Reviews

Police Prudhvi Raj Reddy : This is a great book to acquire knowledge about lungs and it functions 18 April 2022


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