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ISBN : 978-93-90761-27-2
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Life Style
ID : SB20155

Quantum Student Success Formula

Defining success and breaking the barriers in student life

Gaurav Hatwalne

e Book
Pages : 68
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 149.00

About book : In this book, I have given a step-by-step approach to identify, understand and define success for students by addressing all the blocks, challenges, and myths faced by all students that stop them from achieving their goals. This is the first part of a series that I'll be writing. It is an engaging and interactive book that will make you think deeper about all the aspects of life and how they affect your journey towards your success.

About author : Mr. Gaurav Vivek Hatwalne is an Author, Counselor, and an NLP Certified Life Coach. He's the only son of his loving and caring parents. He got his ATD certification in the year 2020 and became a certified trainer. He completed his NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) certification, which is the most advanced brain science, in the year 2021 and became an NLP Life coach as well. It has always been his inner calling to help students by providing them the right direction, guidance, and skills necessary to tackle real-life challenges and achieve the goals they so desire in life and has been working on the same for the past 2 years. This book is his big step towards spreading awareness among students about the importance of life skills and that they are at the right age to start developing those.

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