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ISBN : 978-81-19908-73-8
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Medical And Nursing
ID : SB20772

MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY – III (According to PCI syllabus)


Dr. Prasadarao Manchineni , Dr. Kumara Prasad S A , Dr. Santosh Karajgi , Dr. Podila Naresh , Dr Ankit Jain

e Book
Pages : 198
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 599.00

About book : The book has a number of illustrations, such as flowcharts and diagrams that make it simple for students to comprehend complex ideas. It is the author's honest desire that both students and academicians would take something helpful away from reading this book. The formulation development process is built upon the foundation of the pharmaceutical product development process. During the development of the product, the formulation scientist is responsible for paying attention to several parameters connected to the material (API, Excipients, and so on), the formulation process, the parameters of the formulation process, dosage forms, and so on. In this book, medicinal chemistry topics, including those pertaining to dosage, are broken down in a way that is clear and easy to grasp.

About author : Dr. PRASADARAO MANCHINENI is a Professor and Principal of MEDARAMETLA ANJAMMA MASTANRAO COLLEGE OF PHARMACY He has around 20years of teaching and 3 years research experience. He was born in a small Village (Siripuram, Guntur), which is in Andhra Pradesh. He completed his graduation (B. Pharm.) from Karnataka University and post-graduation (M. Pharm.) from Dr. M.G.R. Medical university. He joined the teaching profession at Vagdevi College of Pharmacy and Research and simultaneously completed his Ph.D. from CSJ University, Kanupur. Prof. Prasadarao Manchineni joined as a founder Principal at the prestigious M.A.M in the year 2007. Prof. Prasadarao Manchineni has guided 90 B. Pharm & 40 M. Pharm students Presently, 03 Ph.D. students are pursuing their research towards Ph. D. degree. He is the Secretary of INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION (IPA) A.P State Branch. He is also a Member of the BOS for ANU and has participated actively as a member in many national level committees framed by PCI, AICTE, IPA etc. Prof. Prasadarao Manchineni has 125 research publications to his credit in peer reviewed National and International Journals and a few of them have received Best Paper Awards also. He is a life member of professional bodies like IPA, IACP and APTI. Prof. Prasadarao Manchineni research group has presented its research work in around 50 international conferences specifically in India, Spain, SEOUL (SOUTH KOREA) Dubai, SINGAPORE, Thailand and Malaysia. Dr. Kumara Prasad S A is working as Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Mangalore (Karnataka). He has completed his B. Pharm & M. Pharm from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka and Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Andhra University, Visskhapatnam (AP). He is having more than 16 years of teaching and research experience. He has more than 18 national and international publications and 3 patents in his credit. He has re

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