About book : Jurisprudence is the basis of all law. Jurisprudence is the living science of Law. Jurisprudence deals with the knowledge of the law and legal principles.As it is the basis of law it is necessary to reach students. It is solid foundation of knowledge and it also includes critical understanding. Jurisprudence and Legal Theory. Author has taught Jurisprudence for many years. Author has tried to reach students in easy language. Jurisprudence is the base of all subjects. Author has tried his best to reach students through his book. It includes all schools,concepts,sources. Academically also it is useful for LL.B, LL.M, NET, SET exam and research students. This book aim is to give knowledge of what is law and explain the principles of Jurisprudence and Legal Theory to students, advocate, society and researchers. As this is my effort to publish First Edition. I therefore welcome if there are any suggestions to improve this book.
About author : Author has completed LL.B, LL.M, Ph.D. Author has 13 years of teaching experience as U.G, P.G, Commerce. Has attended various conferences, workshops, seminars. Author has also published various research papers. Author has published one book in respect Food Adulteration.