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ISBN : 978-81-19908-31-8
Category : Non Fiction
Catalogue : Life Style
ID : SB20815

Cognitive kaleidoscope

Shaping perspective on thoughts and perception

Dr.Anitha Mary.V

e Book
Pages : 60
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 150.00

About book : This book is packed with real life experiences of people who have applied these principles to change their own life, More than a self improvement books, Cognitive kaleidoscope! Offer's you a complete philosophy of personal achievement. It will definitely reach you methods to create a success -consciousness within yourself, and it will provide you with a detailed blueprint for achieving that success. shaping Perspectives on Thought and Perception" delves into the intricate interplay between information, cognition, and human understanding.

About author : Anitha Mary.V is a millennial and focusing on various schemes for women empowerment in India. She primarily concentrates on less privileged and marginalised sections. Her mission is to transform women's stereotype thought process and perpetuate her simple ideas of self-motivation, individual achivement and spread power to build happiness, success and prosperity to unleash your own hidden powers to bring out your true self. She reaches out through various television medias and provides counseling sessions.These intense session also encompasses of Anger management, Life Rebuilding, Focus and Memory.

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