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ISBN : 978-81-19084-14-2
Category : Academic
Catalogue : Computing and Information Technology
ID : SB20455

A deep dive into Smart City Technologies and portfolio of Smart Services

Smart City and its Smart Services

Dr. Dipak Shamlal Gade

e Book
Pages : 368
Language : English
PAPERBACK Price : 1250.00

About book : This book has provided an introduction to Smart Cities and some of its selected Smart Services. It has also covered an in depth information on latest tools and technologies used by Smart Cities to address it real life practical challenges while development, operation and maintenance of Smart Cities. This book can be considered as one of the best reference books on Smart Cities and will definitely be useful for industrial professionals, research scholars and various stakeholders of Smart Cities for undertaking further research on Smart Cities and its Smart Services.

About author : Dr. Dipak Gade is a distinguished Research Scholar, well-known Author, and SME in the Software Engineering field. He is Doctorate, Post Doctorate and Doctor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering. He is having around 22 Years of Research and Development experience in Software Design, Development, Testing, Review, Delivery, Systems Engineering, and Program Management. He has handled various projects in IT, Embedded Software, Industrial Automation, Mining, M2M, Digital Manufacturing, IoT, Aerospace, and Defence Domains. In the past, he has worked with reputed organizations like DRDO, BEL, TATA, Patni Computers, Capgemini, Schindler Elevators, Rio Tinto, Cognizant, Konecranes, etc. He is honored with a reputed AWSAR Award in Post Doctorate Category by the Government of India in the year 2020. He has authored world's first Reference Book on Assurance Driven Software Design that has provided practical examples on ADS Design Framework focusing on Aerospace and Defence Applications He has also achieved the Best Researcher Award for his PhD Research and Research Excellency Award from various reputed institutions around the world. He is on the editorial board of 15+ high impact factor International and National Research Journals. He has filed 2 Patents and has been granted 8 Copyrights in India.

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